The International Forum of Travel and Tourism Advocates


Next IFTTA Event(s)


IFTTA 36th Annual Conference 2025
25-27 September 2025
Washington DC, USA.

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Friendly atmosphere and active participation!

As befits a body of lawyers that specialises in Travel and Tourism Law and the hospitality sector, IFTTA is a warm and friendly organisation that fosters a sense of mutual support and professionalism.

Everyone who attends our conferences speaks of the friendly atmosphere. We encourage active participation from all present.

No long, dull speeches here, but real debate, real engagement with our subject. We do not shy away from controversy; indeed, we enjoy robust debate and critical analysis – but always in the spirit of friendship and professional respect.

And, as Travel and Tourism lawyers, we have FUN at our conferences.

Legal News

The plaintiffs had booked tickets for a Lufthansa flight from Hamburg via Frankfurt to Miami and back from Los Angeles via Frankfurt to Hamburg. The ticket price was EUR 2.766,32 and according to the tariff, the ticket was non-refundable (except applicable taxes only). Because of a disease, the plaintiffs cancelled ...
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In Rehder v Ari Baltic (C-204/08) the Court of Justice of the Europena Union had decided that in the case of air transport of passengers from one Member State to another Member State, carried out on the basis of a contract with only one airline, which is the operating carrier, ...
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Editors: V. Franceschelli, Professor, University of Milan Bicocca ; F. Morandi, Professor, University of Sardinia; C. Torres, Professor Adjunct, Estoril Higher Institute for Tourism and Hotel Studies [ESHTE]. Publisher: ESHTE/INATEL, Portugal, 2017. 596 pages. Reviewer: Hermes Navarro del Valle, Chief of Tourism Investment; Costa Rica Tourism Board, San José, Costa ...
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The claimant was about to embark for his flight from Düsseldorf to Hamburg on Feb. 9, 2013, when he slipped on the boarding bridge because of a wet floor caused by condensation. As a result he suffered from a fracture of his patella. He filed a claim for damages against ...
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Effecitve by January 1, 2017, an amendment to the Austrian Unfair Competition Act (UWG) introduced a ban on 'best price' clauses for hotel booking portals. These clauses were qualified as an agressive business practice. According to such clauses, a hotel operator who wanted to sell rooms through online portals had ...
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Plaintiff Jane Doe and her eleven-year-old daughter flew aboard Etihad Airways from Abu Dhabi to Chicago. When she stuck her hand into the seat pocket in front of her, she was unexpectedly pricked by a hypodermic needle that lay hidden within. The needle drew blood from her finger. Doe was ...
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