Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and Senator Olympia Snowe (R-ME) on Jan. 13 introduced the Airline Passengers Bill of Rights in the Senate. The bill will give airline passengers legal rights by preventing them from being held indefinitely on planes, ensuring passengers’ needs are met, and helping airlines coordinate with government agencies.The main provisions of the new bill are:Airlines to offer passengers the option of safely deplaning once they have sat on the ground for three hours after the plane door has closed. Airlines to provide passengers with food, potable water, comfortable cabin temperature and ventilation, and adequate restrooms while a plane is delayed on the ground. A consumer complaint hotline so that passengers can alert the agency about delays. Airports and airlines to develop contingency plans to be reviewed and approved by DOT, and fines for air carriers and airports that do not submit or fail to comply with contingency plans.The senators’ motion was welcomed by the Coalition for an Airline Passengers’ Bill of Rights.Source: eTurboNews; find article here>>.