To be better prepared for crisis situations, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), with the joint collaboration of the Ministry of Tourism of Malaysia, is convening a review and preparation exercise for the region of Asia and the Pacific which is to take place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on the 3-4 May of 2010.Primarily aimed at the region of Asia and the Pacific, the objective of this review and preparation exercise is to address the challenges and opportunities that the ongoing pandemic has brought so far onto the tourism industry, with special emphasis on coordination, market intelligence and communications. The analysis of the unfolding pandemic (H1N1) 2009 situation will be also used to better prepare for other crises situations whether of global or regional importance.The exercise will address the following:The current situation of the pandemic (H1N1) 2009 and the possible scenarios of future development.Key challenges for the travel and tourism sector with a special emphasis on coordination at national and international level.Modern Crisis Communications combining the best of both the classical approach and the modern communications/social networks.Strategies to help limit the negative impacts, to best adjust the preparations of the travel and tourism sector and lessons learned since the onset of the pandemic.Further information to be found here>>.