It has been approved the Code of the Consumption, a complex job, by the precious contribution of the Commission of study presided from prof. Guido Alpa and other experts of the matter, with the collaboration of the mainly representative consumer’s associations. With the decree legislative n. 206 of the 6 september 2005 (published in italian Official Gazzette G.U. n. 235 of 8-10-2005 – S.O. n.162) has been reordered and simplified the norm on the protection of the consumers, in coordination with the principles and the addresses of the law n. 229/2003, in accordance of the obligation of semplification ordered by comunitarian law. The purpose of the code is to favor the information and the protection of the consumer, with the assurance of the correctness of the processes negotiation. The code also defines the rights and the interests of the consumers and the customers, the protection system in national and local center and the class action. There are also some dispositions in competition matter, transparency and information in the market and in the quality of the products and the services and about the liability of the producer. Regarding tourism law, it has to point out that from the date of entrance in vigor of the present code the decree legislative 17 march 1995, n. 111 (in accomplishment of the directive 90/314/CEE, concerning the travels, the vacations and the circuits “all comprising”) is repealed.