The Namibia Tourism Board (NTB), a statutory body to regulate and market the tourism industry established by an Act of Parliament (Act 21 of 2000), has introduced a number amendments to the Namibian Tourism Board Act, 2000 ( Act no. 21 of 2000), key elements of which are• Fostering of corporate governance by introducing fiduciary duties and responsibilities of theBoard, as well as stipulating Audit Committee and Remuneration Committee as two standingcommittees of the Board;• disciplinary procedures for operators that are involved in unethical business conduct tosafeguard the tourists;• enhancements of Levy section to allow the Board to appoint auditors to audit books of theregistered clients to ensure that proper levies are being declared to NTB, as at presentoperators, currently required by the ACT, (i.e. accommodation businesses), proved beyondreasonable doubt not to declare correct levy amount to NTB so is the tax to the InlandRevenue;• assigning Peace Officer powers to the Tourism inspectors to grant spot fines;• allowing Board to recruit other staff on part‐time basis to expand inspectorate staff, whichwill be cheaper option in the long run;• provision of Licensed person that will pave the way for licensing of Tour Guides, and• Introduction of annual renewal fees to increase NTB’s budget income.Source: NTB; Background report and text of bill available for download here>>.