Increasing The Cases In Which Damages Resulting From Food Poisoning Are Recovered

There is an incresing number of Spanish cases in which restaurants are found liable by the Courts because of serving unsafe food. When a person becomes ill after ingesting contaminated food, he/she can be compensated for the damage. In some cases victims also receive a compensation for mental distress, particularly when foodborne illness occurs in a wedding banquet (e.g SAP Asturias, 14-10-2004, Sección 7ª, AC 20042040; SAP Álava, 14-5-2004, Sección 2ª, JUR 2004279526; SAP Granada, 2-2-2004, Sección 4ª, JUR 2004102397; SAP Burgos, 8-7-2003, Sección 2ª, JUR 200446581; SAP Salamanca, 19-6-2002 Sección Única, JUR 2002193204; SAP Murcia, 4ª 2-11-2001, JUR 200240201; SAP Las Palmas, 9-7-2001, Sección 3ª, JUR 200229831; SAP Burgos, 29-3-2001, Sección 2ª, JUR 2001141464)

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