28 November - 1 December 2022 Malta - Valetta

33rd IFTTA Conference

Malta 2020


Old University in Valletta, Malta


28 November 2022


1 December 2022

Malta & Valetta

As Valletta was the Cultural City, it has lately taken a new dimension, with various boutique hotels sprouting everywhere, and also, it has many restaurants and bars dotted all over.

Those who have never visited Malta will find this Capital City quite interesting, and those who have already been to Malta, would surely find new things to discover on this island.  Those who have a passion to dive, this would be a golden opportunity to set aside a few days to explore the beautiful sea surrounding Malta.


IFTTA Annual Conference

The 33rd IFTTA conference shall be taking place in MALTA, and it is set for Monday 28 November 2022 until Thursday 1 December 2022. The conference will be held in the old  university building (the Valletta campus) of the University of Malta in Valetta. Further information and more details with regard to the Conference, registration and participation fees will be available soon on this page.

Speakers: Those who would like to present a paper, kindly inform IFTTA so that we could start planning the agenda of speakers.

Accommodation: There are many boutique hotels and other accommodation facilities within the capital city. Members are requested to make their room reservations directly at one of the hotels or using other booking resources.

Flights: There are several direct flights to Malta from various countries in Europe and around the Mediterranean. Please be aware that many airlines only offer seasonal flights or have a reduced schedule in the winter season. You need to book the flights well in advance.

We encourage anyone who is interested in attending the IFTTA annual conference to share ideas, tips and other information or ask questions using the IFTTA Member group on Google.

valletta, malta, triton fountain-5058957.jpg

Event Schedule

Day 1

Monday 28 November 2022
13:00-15:00 Board Meeting (IFTTA directors only)
Part I of the Agenda
15:00-15:30 Coffee Break
15:30-17:00 Board Meeting (IFTTA directors only)
Part II of the Agenda
19:00 Welcome Dinner at Luciano’s, Valletta

Day 2

Tuesday 29 November 2022
09:30-10.00 Registration and Coffee
10.00-10.10 President’s Welcome Speech, Dr. Jacqueline Tanti Dougall
10:10-10.30 Chamber of Commerce, Malta, Ms. Marthese Portelli
10:30-10:45 Opening of IFTTA Conference General Remarks, Dr. Jacqueline Tanti Dougall (Malta)
10:45-11:15 Considerations when selling travel in the US market, Jeff Ment (USA)
11:15-11:45 Was COVID a "Force Majeure" Event? The Role of Legislators, Government and the Courts in Implementing the Principles of Force Majeure in the Israeli Tourism Sector, Carmit Baron (Israel)
11:45-12:15 Determinants of profitability amongst travel intermediaries within the Maltese tourism value chain, Alan Arrigo (Malta)
12:15-12:30 Questions
12:30-13:30 Photo and lunch
13:30-14:00 Just because it says package travel doesn’t mean it is package travel! Legal pitfalls in classifying travel services using the example of language travel, Marie Vandersanden (Germany)
14:00-14:15 Online fraud prevention especially to travel agencies, Enrique Mota (Mexico)
14:15-14:45 Carriers, Consumers, Covid, Cancellations, Control, and Canada Mr. Doug Crozier (Canada)
14:45-15:00 Questions
15:00-15:30 Coffee Break
15:30-16:00 Protection of the Collective Interest of Tourism Service Users, Andrej Micovich (Serbia)
16:00-16:30 Rating Platforms: Liability for user/guest reviews under German law, Uta Stenzel (Germany)
16:30-16:45 Questions
18:30 Dinner at Ta Nenu, Valletta

Day 3

Wednesday 30 November 2022
09:00 -10:00 Optional Visit to St John’s Co-Cathedral, Valletta
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break
10:30-11:00 Digital platforms, touristic services providers and consumers: obligations and liability, Antonia Paniza Fullana (Spain)
11:00-11:30 Is Malta’s method of insolvency in line with Directive 2015/2302, protecting travellers sufficiently? A comparative analysis. David Mifsud (Malta)
11:30-12:00 "A fall down the stairs for no ascertainable reason-an accident?" analysing (and criticising) the recent CJEU decision on the Montreal Convention (C-589/20), Michael Wukoschitz (Austria)
12:00-12:15 Questions
12:15-13:15 Lunch
13:15-13:45 Achieving good governance in the Tourism Sector, John Downes (Scotland)
13:45-14:15 The “authorized agent” in Regulation (EU) No. 261/2004: an obscure risk? Peter Vos (The Netherlands)
14:15-14:45 The role of budgeting and budgetary controls in the financial performance of the tourism and hospitality industry in Ghana Dr. Joseph Kofi Nkuah, Mr Ebenezer Cobbina and Mrs Victoria Frimpong (Ghana)
14:45-15.00 Questions and Closing Speech
16:30 onwards Tour to Mdina, the Silent City
Dinner at Fontanella, Mdina

Day 4

Thursday 1 December 2022
09:30 IFTTA Annual General Meeting (AGM, members only)
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-12:00 IFTTA Annual General Meeting (cont.) (AGM members only)
12:00-13:00 Lunch
14:00 onwards

Optional Tour to the 3 Cities
With optional visit to Marsaxlokk, Tarxien Temples and / or Ghar Dalam.

IFTTA 33rd Annual Conference Malta – Agenda
IFTTA 33rd Annual Conference Malta – Agenda
Size: 187kb
Version: 5
Published: 2022-11-24


Our Speakers (incl. papers and presentations)

  • Mrs Carmit Bar-On
    Was COVID a "Force Majeure" Event? The Role of Legislators, Government and the Courts in Implementing the Principles of Force Majeure in the Israeli Tourism Sector."
  • Mr Doug Crozier
    Carriers, Consumers, Covid, Cancellations, Control, and Canada
  • Mr John Downes
    Achieving good governance in the Tourism Sector
  • Mr Jeff Ment
    Considerations when selling travel in the US market
  • Mrs Antonia Paniza Fullana
    Digital platforms, touristic services providers and consumers: obligations and liability".
    Download documents: This content is available to IFTTA members only. Login
  • Mr Michael Wukoschitz
    "A fall down the stairs for no ascertanable reason - an accident?" analysing (and criticising) the recent CJEU decision on the Montreal Convention (C-589/20).
    Download documents: This content is available to IFTTA members only. Login
  • Mr Peter Vos
    The “authorized agent” in Regulation (EU) No. 261/2004: an obscure risk?
    Download documents:
    This content is available to IFTTA members only. Login
  • Dr. Joseph Kofi Nkuah, Mr Ebenezer Cobbina and Mrs Victoria Frimpong
    The role of  budgeting and budgetary controls in the financial performance of the tourism and hospitality industry in Ghana.
  • Dr. Rebekah Tanti Dougall LL.D.
    Cancellation of flights: Repercussions for travel agents.
  • Mrs Marie Vandersanden
    "Just because it says package travel doesn’t mean it is package travel!” Legal pitfalls in classifying travel services using the example of language travel.
  • Mr Alan Arrigo
    Determinants of profitability amongst travel intermediaries within the Maltese tourism value chain.
  • Mrs Uta Stenzel
    Rating Platforms: Liability for user/guest reviews under German law.
  • Mr Enrique Mota
    Online fraud prevention. How state policy (Quintana Roo) prevents online fraud at travel agencies.
  • Dr. Andrej Mićović
    Protection of the Collective Interest of Tourism Service Users.
  • Col (Ret'd) David Mifsud
    Is Malta s method of insolvency protection in line with directive 2015/2302 protecting travellers sufficiently? A comparative study.

If you are also interested in presenting a paper during the IFTTA World International Conference, please send the details of your paper to our president or submit the details of your paper to the Google Member Group instead.


IFTTA 33rd Wordwide Conference

Registration closed!​